Teron Gorefiend, the UI fixer of wow, has fallen to Heresy. It took us a bit longer than I expected but I am extremely happy with the progression that we have made. Great Job Heresy and stay focused. Archimonde dies next!
Unfortunately I didnt get a good screenshot of this kill, but great job guys - that was nice clean kill and wasn't too difficult at all. More and more BT/Hyjal to come!
Good Job Heresy, not a hard fight just had a few kinks to work out in the first attempts. Another one bites the dust. Gorefiend & Azgalor will be dead soon enough!
Our first night into BT and what great night it was. I'm sure that if we didn't have prior obligations we would have been able to kill 1 more also. Keep up the great work Heresy!
Anetheron and Kaz'rogal! Our enthusiasm is amazing and with this focus we can pursue any goal. Let's keep pushing forward and keep progressing. Amazing Job guys and gals!