Monday, February 25, 2008

Mother Shahraz has been dethroned!

We were more than ready for this kill. A truly amazing 1-shot this evening Heresy. Council pull is just about perfected and they will fall soon too! Illidan we are coming for you.

Monday, February 18, 2008

Reliquary of Souls has been silenced.

Killed Feb. 17

A very fun fight to learn. Heresy has taken 1 more step closer to Illidan, great job everyone and lets get that SR crafted for Mother Shahraz.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Bloodboil is down! GJ!

Killed Feb 11.
Although the 2nd Archimonde was a much bigger success in my eyes, this kill is also an amazing feat of amazing dedication and focus. Great Job Heresy and we will at the end extremely soon.

Sunday, February 3, 2008

Hyjal Cleared! Archimonde has fallen at the feet of Heresy!

I have to say...Very well done. A night that started out not so promising turned into a evening of amazing focus and progress. As Heresy we have taken large strides to become one of the best, our accomplishments prove that we deserve to be where we are. Great Job Heresy and I am very proud of you all.